Sigh... Is Bill dipping into the rum?

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Sigh... Is Bill dipping into the rum?

No survey, tonight? Must have been one wild birthday celebration! lol

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AmyandSophia's picture

Oh boo and hiss. Stay up and play Rotti....

I miss you. Sigh. Sob. Wish you were here. Really. Then I could sleep in and YOU could go feed horses tomorrow morning and groom them all and fly spray them and pick feet and tend to boo boos....and.....Boo hiss....maybe I'll just come to work with you tomorrow!

Amy and Sophia

OK... you're both scaring me!

Wish I could stay up to play, but I gotta w-o-r-k tomorrow (boo hiss).
I'll do a late survey response (and make pithy comments). happy.gif

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AmyandSophia's picture

Guido baby, Guido.

Smack is what Guido does best:-) only it sometimes sounds like SPLAT!

Amy and Sophia

Been crazy busy at the kennel

This getting up at 5 am is for the birds! On my day off, I'm usually cleaning the house (looks like several tornados went thru), and laundry. The upcoming week will, hopefully, be quieter. I'll have to get some pics of the furkids.
Being a cowgirl sounds great to me! Just gotta get the ex to stop being such a smack! lol

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AmyandSophia's picture

Well, you sure just got yourself voodooed then:-(

Gotta watch what you say...I hear she has eyes in the back of her head, and ears everywhere else:-)

Amy and Sophia

Bill Sue Angel Chunk and Angel Lily's picture

I asked her about "Q", Amy, and...

I never even got a response. I'm about as popular as yesterday's underwear, I guess. I heard she harbors big grudges and has voodoo dolls of all of us. Woooooooooooooooooo (Haunting, scary howl).

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AmyandSophia's picture

And just WHERE have you been Madam Rotten?

Seems you have been slacking off the Q posts. Hey, where's my pics of that baby boy?? I want me some Q! And Kano of course:-)

Hey, I really need you to move down here and help me on my ranch. I am up to 7 horses. I can only ride one at a time. Come be a cowgirl, would you?

Amy and Sophia

Bill Sue Angel Chunk and Angel Lily's picture

You, and The Warden!

And no, I didn't do it on purpose. It was a Jedi mind trick thingy!

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You did that on purpose!!

But, you're right. I have no patience! happy.gif

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Bill Sue Angel Chunk and Angel Lily's picture

See? As usual, no patience!

I wish you lived closer so I could.....well, never mind. Just ask me first, instead of going global on me. God, that's embarrassing. LOL!

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