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Annual Health Exam



Common sections of your pet's annual health exam include:

History— Your veterinarian will ask you questions about the health history of your pet, to be included in your pet's medical record along with temperature, pulse, respiration rate, and body weight.

Wet Nose Myth— Your veterinarian will check your pet's nose for abnormal discharges as well as changes in color, texture, moisture, or shape.

Ears— Pets who shake their heads, scratch their ears, or seem smelly can be showing symptoms of an ear infection. Your veterinarian will make a visual check of your pet's ear canals to look for inflammation or other signs of problems.

Eyes— Many conditions, such as anemia, infections, and jaundice, often are discovered through eye examinations. Examinations of the inner structures of the eyes can detect signs of glaucoma or eye ulcers.

Teeth and Mouth— Oral hygiene is extremely important. Your veterinarian will check your pet's gums, teeth, tongue, and palate for abnormalities.

Heart and Lungs— Your veterinarian will use a stethoscope to listen to your pet's heart and lungs. Early heart disease is often recognized during an annual health exam.

Reproduction— If your pet is not already spayed or neutered, your veterinarian will probably discuss these options with you, which will help avoid unwanted pregnancies in your pet and help control pet overpopulation.

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