Wish us luck!!!

We took Chase to his training class last night and our trainer told us that he knows a family that is about to put down their 8 1/2 year old female bulldog due to the fact that they are moving and don't want to take her with them. UNREAL. My wife and I are going to adopt her as long as she doesn't appear aggressive towards our daughter or Chase.

Please pray for us that not too much is wrong. We were already told that she has cherry eye in one eye and hasn't been to a vet in years, he isn't even sure if they ever gave her vaccinations.

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

OMG, that's awful!!!

I hope all goes well for you and you have a new family member.  8 1/2 is not old, geeze, Oliver is 11 1/2 these days and still ornery as ever!

Monica-Maude-Gus's picture

Good luck!

I hope that everything works out and you can bring this girl into your family.  She obviously needs someone to love her and take care of her.  Please let us know how things go.  (Fingers, toes and paws crossed!)


Monica, Maude and Gus

AmyandSophia's picture

Poor baby!!! Super good wishes in getting her.

just keep in mind she will need a long time to recover from a life of neglect, it may not seem like she is going to like you, your family, your other pets, etc., but give her time....time is your best resource with this girl. Give her time. And introduce the dogs in a totally neutral location!!!

And...keep us posted!!!!!


Amy and Sophia

Thanks Everyone! We are

Thanks Everyone!

We are hoping things work out awesome.

Out of curiosity, I know she already has cherry eye in her right eye. Not sure how long she has had it. At 8 1/2 years old do you think it is worth putting her through the surgery for it? From the brief conversation I had with my vet about it, she said it might be best to leave it alone at this stage in her life.

Best of luck................

I can't wait to hear if this has a happy outcome.  Wishing you the best of luck in saving this bully who really needs your help!  Bless you!


  Miss you sweet boy Otie (July 29, 2013)



Stephanie and David's picture

You are doing the right thing

People like them don't deserve a dog, expecially a bulldog. If it somehow doesn't work out, you can contact a local bulldog rescue organization to help.

Lola is officially with us,

Lola is officially with us, we took her to the vet this am. Her right eye has cherry eye and isn't producing tears. She still has vision in the eye but our vet doesn't think it's 100%. Lola also has two bad ear infections that our vet suspects have been there for awhile. She has cauliflower ear in both ears from scratching. She seems like a sweet  girl so far at home, I think she's been through alot and is slowly getting used to chase. Thanks everyone for the support.

AmyandSophia's picture

So happy for Lola!!! She is going to feel so much better....

But give it a lot of time, patience, and love. She needs it all!! Congrats, you guys are AWESOME!


Amy and Sophia

Thank You for taking her in.

Go slow,  love and attention is probably new to her.


Thanks for the support

Thanks for the support guys!

Lola seems to be warming up to the new home great! She sleeps through the night and is tolerating chase, even nudges him to play every now and then. She is a little socially awkward but I think that will change once shes been around for awhile.

We are having issues putting her eye drops in, she doesn't like it at all and runs and squirms everywhere. Do you guys know of anyway to make this easier? I don't want to have to pin her down to put them in.

AmyandSophia's picture

A couple of ways to do eye drops...

First, I am glad she is adjusting so well! Give it time, she may or may not have mood swings! LOL! One never knows in these situations!

To do my girls eyes, I always do it right before a meal so she is already in a sit/down position and I dont have to "put" her in one...which then clues her in to what's coming! I give a taste of kibble, then quickly drip her drops into her eye when he head is up and eyes open. It works sometimes, sometimes not. I also have put her between my knees facing out, and gently "sit" on her with no pressure on her, but enough to hold her still. Be quick, then hug and praise her while still holding her. 

Good luck!


Amy and Sophia

I have 2 that need drops several times a day.

I sit on the floor and scoot them between my legs.  I have pretty good control that with 1 arm I can wrap around the head and with the arm I can apply the drops.   Give lots of praise and treats if necessary.  Good Luck,  I am so happy you have her.


karonelaine's picture

Happy to see you got her

I had a blind Bulldog Gummybear and i just stood behind him and he was between both legs and I added them to each eye. He had to three diffrent kind of meds. I lost my Gummybear when they try to remove one eye. I miss him so much. Happy to hear you save her life. 

