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When it rains it pours....

Or....pouring in the house...due to the "0" degree weather in the south (which we are not used too)... we had a pipe break in the wall and flooded two rooms before we could get the water turned off...Olive loves water so she had a blast :-/ Plumber coming out today and hopefully we can have our water back on. My husband is also suffering from a Kidney stone and spent 6 hours in the Emergency Room. Lovely beginning to the new year but looking back it could be worse. Happy Birthday Cathy and prayers to all that need them...
and for some comic relief......


PollyAnna says you all know what that means???

PollyAnna and Hank's HUMPDAY Video!!


PollyAnna's Words of Wisdom


CathyandZimmer's picture


this cold weather is doing some damage to everyone everywhere! Stay warm, hope your water gets fixed and hubby feels better soon!


Cathy & Zimmer