Stephanie and David avatar image

Tech question about Bull of the month

I can't see Margie's photo at the top or the forum or find it anywhere. I clicked on the link I was sent and I see my Margie, but...? Any suggestions? I'm confused. Thanks!

CathyandZimmer's picture

The picture & story are there..

try refreshing your browser.


Cathy & Zimmer



I read it on the home page

I always go to the home page and read the might have to scroll down a bit but it is there front and center!  Congrats!


  Miss you sweet boy Otie (July 29, 2013)



home page

Make sure you leave the actual forum and go to the home page of BDW....scroll down a couple of articles and there you are!!!


  Miss you sweet boy Otie (July 29, 2013)



Stephanie and David's picture


It's there, now. Thanks!