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Senior English Bulldog - Dehydration Problem

My senior English Bulldog is getting dehydrated every day. My vet said I can do IV therapy through his skin a little every day. Does anyone else have any ideas? We live in Phoenix so this is definitely a challenge. I do bring him to his water every hour. Thanks,

I just found this article for you....

Spring might have only just sprung, but that simply means that summer will be here before you know it. When you’re chowing down on a refreshing slice of watermelon, don’t be afraid to share a little bit with your dog, especially when the weather is hot. The high fluid content in watermelon can help ward off dehydration. It’s also low in calories, and has plenty of vitamins A and C, plus potassium and magnesium. Just don’t share any of the seeds or the rind.

Maybe of you freeze little bits of it and see if he will take it, it may help a little... Our little bully was sick and they gave her fluids - gave her a needle right under the skin, formed a bubble and absorbed into her body in time - is that you mean by IV?? Try some watermelon, hopefully he will eat it...