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Please help- puppy aggressive only outside

Hi everyone. I'm fairly new to the forums, thank you for allowing me to be part of this. We got Vicky about a week ago, she's 9 weeks now. She's awesome and learns super quickly. Our biggest struggle right now is teaching her what she can bite and what she can't, as well as how hard she can "play bite" without hurting us. 

She's amazing when we are inside, she behaves and her play biting is great. She drops things on command (most times) and she comes when being called pretty much 90% of the time, even when no treat is offered. When we are outside in our backyard that's a different story. When I'm with her she becomes very aggressive and starts biting me really hard, sometimes drawing blood and everything/ She usually bites my feet and ankles, but she'll bite me anywhere she can. She starts growling at me and chases me around when I try to ignore her. I've tried everything, the whole "ouch" and walk away. "Ouch" "no" and walk away. Spraying her nose with water when telling her no. I even sprayed her with the hose yesterday because I was so frustrated but I don't want to do that. I try to stay calm and assertive but it doesn't help. Then I ignore her for a while because I don't want to interact with her when i'm in that emotional state. I take her inside and she's back to her chill self.

I just don't know what else to do. She only does this with me. We have a chain link fence and some of our neighbours' dogs bark a lot, any time they see anything or hear anything. I don't know if she does this when she hears them (I think she has done this even when they're not there), maybe it's more of a fear response and I'm the closest thing to her so I get that. Has someone else had this happen to them? How did you fix it? I don't want to ignore it because it will only get worse. She started doing this yesterday, but I notice it is becoming more consistent every time we go outside. 


Actually, it sounds pretty much like puppy behavior

Continue to substitute biting with a good chew toy, stay calm. Exercise like walks, short training sessions, hide and seek etc., will help to tire her out.

Good luck. You have a couple of months to go before she stops to puppy biting, be patient.


Lynn King CPDT-KA

Vikysmom's picture


ok good to know! She's our very first dog so I honestly don't know what to expect haha. How far should I let her go on certain behaviours before it's a problem. It just seemed so aggressive compared to all her other biting (even though it can still be hard). I'll keep being patient and waiting it out. 

Today she did it again, she was so nice and playful. We were having a good time until I go inside for two seconds to get her ball, then the neighbour's dogs come out and start barking. When I come back, she's underneath my deck and starts biting me a lot harder than she was before and growling. As soon as we come inside, she acts normally again. Now, she usually goes underneath my deck to play so I didn't think much of it. Hopefully it'll all fade out :D. Thank you for your help and reassurance. 


Kofi was my first puppy too

 Starting with a bulldog can be daunting, but I promise, you will never be sorry.

Sounds like you are doing all the right things.

We have all been there.


Kofi and Carol


I do so remember those days!

Terrifying in the moment, and treasured memories in the past.

Your puppy will be fine. Stay the course. You are without a doubt the alpha.

Would love to see some pictures!


Kofi and Carol


Vikysmom's picture

Thanks, now I just need to

Thanks, now I just need to translate the alpha to the backyard haha, as it seems that's when she tries to get more dominant. Maybe I'll try feeding her in the backyard. It's gotten to the point that I take her out to do her business and then come back in because I don't want to deal with her crazy behaviour. My feet look gross right now from all her bites and scratches. Her face also gets like totally derailed when she has these "episodes", definitely not play biting anymore. 

In a way I'm looking forward to these days being over, on the other hand she so darn cute that I don't want them to end haha. It's hard being mad at her for too long, especially when we come inside and she is back to being adorable haha. 
