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Normal behavior after leaving doggy daycare?

Has anyone else experienced this?  My husband and I were out of town this weekend house hunting and had to leave Fatboy at doggy daycare.  When we picked him up, everything seemed normal except I noticed he was licking the air a lot on the drive home and his gums looked really pale.  He drank a lot of water when he got inside, pooped twice, and continued to drool a lot more.  He's been whining and wanting to be outside ever since.  We can't leave him unattended due to the black widows outside.

Could it be gas from the excitement of picking him up?  


Fatboy aka Stinky :)

AmyandSophia's picture

Could they have given him something...

Maybe he ingested something he shouldn't have. Pale gums are bad, I'd be making a phone call to my vet. 


Amy and Sophia

Fatboy's picture

His gums are normal color now. His vet would only tell us to

bring him in, which is a 45-60 minute drive from our house.  I've been softly patting his back. He has been burping a lot more and is a bit gassy.  He gets like this when his food dish isn't elevated while eating.  I'm hoping this is all it is.  He is crated for now so I can keep an eye on him.


Fatboy aka Stinky :)

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

Hopefully he's better now but...

if it happens again, you can give him some Gas Ex and that will help with the gas.  We always keep some on hand, I'm so scared of bloat, I give it at the first sign of gas and discomfort.