Cory avatar image

just ordered Penelope has a lot of mucus an this is from what I hear really good for controlling the mucus. Any one else tried it???


Cory & Penelope

Céline and Angel Stella's picture

Why do you suppose she is so phlegmy?

I've never heard of the product, but I have heard of the company before. Can't remember what I heard through...

I wonder why she has so much phlegm. Have you ever asked your vet the question? I'd be curious. Would it be allergies?

IndyBulldog™'s picture

Ya know

It's winter so maybe the carpet?  Or what ever you do your wash in, Tide is a big one for problems I hear.

If ya do, You ain't gonna like it, [me asking] but do ya smoke cigarettes? 

Mold maybe...or even maybe a dirty filter on the furnace.......

Also air sprays or sented candles, carpet fresh powder....did ya have a real X-Mas tree?

Just stuff I can think of...I'm sure others have more, these are things that would make me phlemy'

Anyway, good luck on that, I haven't used the product


Mean people still suck

Cory's picture


I smoke but only out side. we use gain for the laundry an I clean or change the filter often. we had a real tree but it didn't seem to bother her. maybe the vacuuming of the carpet, cause its twice a week?????????


Cory & Penelope

Deb and MacKenzie and Ester's picture

Rule Out Medical Issues

(ie bad palette) just to make sure you aren't trying to fix something that isn't going to be fixed by some type of product. I'm not sure what this is because the link doesn't work for me.

Cory's picture

I have

The vet said everything looks good but as she grows thing my change with her palette but for a bully she has a good respiratory system. I've been feeding her apple slices because I read it helps with the mucus an so far its helped a lot cause she sounds great. I just want to care for Penelope the best that I can , with what ever I can. She's my little


Cory & Penelope