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Hunger issues?


We recently (1.5 mnths ago) changed from TOTW to Wellness Core for less than firm stool and skeptical of allergies. Since then we've noticed that Bean appears to be more hungry. He has never wolfed his food down (and still doesn't) during his normal feedings (1cup 2x daily) but since changing foods he now shows up to dinner bowl and just stares at the food container until we feed him. Then, if we give it to him too early, he'll beg again at the end of the night.

Due to his disposition, and youth, I'm concerned to allow him to pack on any excess weight.  We were at the vet mid-Dec for his 1.5yr checkup and he weighs 66lbs so he's not starving. Prior to the switch, he was content with both feeding amount and # of times a day. Any thoughts? Is he just more interested in the food (appealing) or could there be something lacking in it causing him to need/want more to be satisfied?

(p.s. havent seen change in stool nor allergies, so well likely go back to TOTW.)



Pegsy's picture

my archie wasn't particular

my archie wasn't particular to change esp whe it came to his food...but he definitely was always wolfing down his food...but if he's just staring at his bowl could it be that he doesn't particularly like the taste?
archie was 57lbs and he was almost 3yrs...perhaps a little bit more excercising to reduce the weight?
other than that he seems absolutely perfect!
smoochies the scrunchy face