
This is the second time our bulldog has thrown up her entire dinner almost 4 hours later. Could this be due to an elongated pallet. 

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture


does she breathe loudly especially when she's excited?  It could also be a bug or a bad batch of food. Did it happen two times close together?  If so, I would try a bland diet for a few days (boiled chicken and rice) and see if that helps. We are going to have our girls palate trimmed because she sounds like a freight train and has trouble with her breathing when she gets excited. She doesn't throw up though. 

mrhig2004's picture

my experience

My bully was a vomiter, and once airway issues are ruled out, and bloodwork ok, esp thyroid levels, my vet always wanted me to not feed for 24 hours to settle the gut, then back to normal feeding schedule. If that doesn`t work Pepcid A is ok. for bullies (check dose with your vet first.) I fed 3 times a day with some success but then the loose stools started and was deemed to have IBD and the resulting prescription food, which I didn`t like but had no choice.

Airway issues is most often the problem. Good luck with this worry. We always worry about our bullies. I think that is half the reason we are so attracted to this breed. They thrive on the excellent care we give them, without resentment.

Keep in touch when you have time.
