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Tail Amputation Post Surgery

Hi everyone - I have a 9 months old puppy called Boo. Her tail was amputated 12 days ago. Her stiches were removed 3 days ago. She's been itchy, trying to rub her butt against the floor. She doesn't look happy anymore. The vet told us to give her benadryl twice a day and to apply neosporin in the affected area. It seems it's not working. I would like to know if this is normal. I was thinking about going back to the vet to see if he can do something else for her. Perhaps antibiotics? Please help. I was hoping Boo will be happy by now without her ingrown tail. Your comments are appreciated. 

AmyandSophia's picture

I would get her back to the vet.

It sounds like it may be getting infected. 


Amy and Sophia