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Skin changing color

We need to take Fatboy to a dermatologist.  His skin has changed to a dark, almost black in color, and is only on his belly & under legs (armpits?). The vet prescribed Baytril as he cannot tolerate cephalexin.  His skin rash went away, but the color is still dark.  What could be causing this?? He only started developing this when we started feeding him Blue Buffalo. That feeding regiment has stopped and he is back on HK.  


Fatboy aka Stinky :)

Sargesmom's picture

Skin Changing Color

How's his skin now since switching back? This happened to our guy too. We had a neighbor that was feeing him milkbone dog treats and his body did not like them at all. Once we purged him of that and stuck to his regular diet his skin went back to normal. The other thing we are starting him on are enzymes. He thinks they're treats but it's really good for their stomach digestion. Helps the skin and coat. Hope he's better!

