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pup that died of bacterial pnuemonia

Years back had 3 litters die back to back. One litter never even made it off the c section recovery table. 2nd and 3rd litterd lived ti 3 days. Had symptoms of eating one minute. Not the next. Healthy looking pups.by day 3 they had faded. And lost bith litters.had one baby stand stiff as a board keel over and died. If I didnt see if myself I wouldnt have beleived it. ..had the baby ecropsied. It came back bacterial pneumonia.  I had nevrr had this before. Was sure of the pups had caught germs from the clinic. I took the nect 2 litterd ti a dif vet  and they all lived.  All healthy. I was a nervous wreck. I came across an article on adenovirus in pups. Thinking ..could it be what my babies had ? Im so up in tue air on any vet to do my c sections. ive become a nervous wreck. Have a litter due in 2 weeks. First ones in 2 years...  been a long haul.  Has any one else expereimced amy of the same heart ache.