My 7 month old is bleeding from his Penis

I woke up to take him out and his kennel was full of blood! blood was squirting from his penis, I took him out and ranhim to the tub of cold water it stopped the bleeding for a while then it started again. aHe now on anitibiotic shot and vitamin K shot once a day but everytime he wakes up it starts bleeding again. Any suggestions on what I can do he otherwise seems fine, doesnt seem to bother him but how long will this continue? before the antibiotic kicks in it's been 6 days of this.

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

It sounds like a prolapse?

Usually needs a surgical fix. Why is he on vit k and antibiotics?

Did you call

the vet? is this a side effect from the shots???

The vitamin K is to help stop

The vitamin K is to help stop the bleeding and the antibiotic is to prevent infection from the prolapse, from all the information I have been getting I'm told that even with the surgery to tack it,that doesnt always help that there still maybe bleeding... I'm really afraid to have him put under the ansestia... I was also told bulldogs dont fair well being put under he's only 7 months old! This is why I have tried this first. I was just wondering how long should I try this before having surgery? 

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

I think it depends on how badly he is bleeding...

I have had bulldogs put under anesthesia at 6 months (cherry eye surgery) and they did fine.  You need to use a vet that is familiar with bulldogs though.  They do have unique needs under a general.  First, don't feed him for at least 12 hours before surgery to prevent vomiting and aspiration.  Make sure the vet is using either Isoflurane or Sevoflurane for the anesthesia, make sure someone is with him until the breathing tube is out and he is fully awake.  Let us know how he is doing.