Ingrown bulldog tail? Change in gait!

We have a 9 year old femail bulldog named Lola.  We LOVE her!

2 years ago she was diagnosed with a mass on her spine which was protruding out from under her tail.

This mass has grown slowly over the 2 years and we are now being told by a new vet that this could be her tail bone.

She has been on prenisone and Keflex on and off over the last two years for inflammation around her tail and cysts in her paws.  We do routine foot soaks in Epsom salts and occasionally with Hibiclens diluted if she has a flare.

The last few months she has had a change in her gait.  Her back legs are weak and she is wobbly.    Needless to say, we are upset about the differing diagnoses and the change in her gait.    The vet believes the gait change could be 1. due to the prednisone or 2. nerve damage.

They discontinued the prednisone and started her on Apoquel.   After a few days we could tell she felt worse and wouldnt eat!  She always eats!  We stopped this drug.

We started using the Malacetic wipes for her tail area and those work great.

Our goal is to keep Lola happy and healthy for as long as possible.   Our main concern now is her deteriorating gait and possible cause.

Has anyone here had a similar situation or words of advice?


Lucia Williamson

I would have her checked out

I would have her checked out by a neurologist, your regular vet should be able to refer you to one.

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

That sounds a little strange...

that a tailbone would grow.  I know they can change positions, Jessa's was torquing the wrong way after she vigorously rubbed an itch and the vet fixed it, much to her horror.  But it pretty much stays the same size.  I would do the specialist route.  Prednisone can cause problems after long term use, I hope they tapered down the doseage and didn't just stop her cold turkey.  Hope you find some answers.