Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa avatar image

How is Fatboy doing today?

Any updates?

Fatboy's picture

He's doing ok, but I'm keeping an eye on him.

I can't tell if he is just being lazy while getting up, or if he is truely having trouble.  I'm worried because he is supposed to go to doggy day care on Monday while we move.  


Fatboy aka Stinky :)

AmyandSophia's picture

Sensitive question...

Is Fatboy overweight? It may be a pinched nerve if he has excess weight bearing on a sensitive area. He may need to lose a few pounds to relieve the pinch, if that is indeed the issue. Hoping for the best for him....


Amy and Sophia

My Girl had

trouble walking for a while... the vet didn't do x-rays, just did an exam and he truly thought she just needed to loose weight... we got her down 5 lbs and she is fine now... of course those pounds are back on, and she is walking fine.... We are working on those 5 extra pounds together now!!!

Fatboy's picture

He might be, but I'm not too sure at this moment. The last time

We were at the vet, the scale was off.  It said 45 lbs. but I think he is closer to 50 lbs.  He is on the smaller side so 50 lbs. might be too much for him.  I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow for his bordatella vaccination (doggy day care requirement), so I'll know the numbers for sure then.  I've had coworkers ask me this question as well.  He has been more hungry than usual.  I've even had to put a tiny bowl inside his dog dish to slow him down when eating.  


Fatboy aka Stinky :)