Gasping for air

Need advice please! In the last few days, my almost 11 year old bullie has started having episodes where, when he gets hot, he seems to be gasping for air. It's not the typical panting, and it's not reverse sneezing. It's more of an actual gasping sound. When he cools off and calms down, it completely stops. He has "hacked" a few times in the past couple days, and seems maybe to have a little bit of a stuffed up nose. He's otherwise fine. Eating, wanting to play, going to the bathroom regularly, etc. The doctor said it may be related to his severe allergies and suggested I try Benedryl. I'm worried though. This is something new for him. Anyone seen this before?

AmyandSophia's picture

If your vet didn't give your a reasonable explanation, get...

A second opinion immediately. I would not let it go, it could be a heart issue, a chest congestion issue, etc....


Amy and Sophia

Thanks for your response

Thanks for your response Amy....I am definitely going to get more information and get it checked out. Haven't actually had him to the Vet yet, just verbal advice when I asked after he gasped for air today. It's odd that it only seems to happen sporadically when he gets hot and excited. He seems perfectly normal otherwise, and has been fine all evening (albeit inside, calm, and in the cool). Not coughing or anything else. Very scary when it happens though. And like I said, I've experienced a lot in his 11 years, but this is just totally new for him. Sharing and getting info from folks on this board is invaluable!

AmyandSophia's picture

I wish the best for your boy...

Hopefully a vet trip will help discover the culprit. Keep us posted!


Amy and Sophia

Deb and MacKenzie and Ester's picture

Elongated Soft Palate

Sounds like he needs his palate checked. The palate will swell when a dog gets overheated or excited and close off the airway. This can kill him, so I would be getting him to the vet asap and keep him out of the heat. Also could be a narrow trachea. I would recommend a trach xray as well, as he will probably benefit from a palate surgery.

Have you consulted your breeder?

Deb and MacKenzie and Ester's picture

11 yrs...sorry I was thinking 11 months

He could be getting CHF Congestive Heart Failure at 11 yrs.