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Dragging the back paw

Fatboy is slightly dragging his back leg when he walks.  It started last night.  My husband freaked out and woke me up to watch how he was walking.  He is not putting any pressure on his leg, but his back paw is dragging on the floor (not the entire leg).  He did jump off the couch recently, but he landed on his front legs first.  It didn't last too long before he was walking normal again, but then it started up again this morning when I took him out.  We are in the process of moving, so crating him will be easy.  But has anyone seen or experienced this?  He doesn't seem to be in pain.


Fatboy aka Stinky :)

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

Is he dragging the top of his paw on the ground?


Fatboy's picture

Yes. Is this bad?

I mean, can this not be corrected by crating??


Fatboy aka Stinky :)

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

I think he should be evaluated by your vet...

it could be anything from an injury to a neurological problem.  They checked out the foot response for Oliver and Chester when they had back problems too.  

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture


possible he tweaked his back jumping off the couch.  I would definitely have him looked at.  Take a video just in case he's like my guys and doesn't do it while at the vet's office.

Lord Of The Things's picture

Swimmer puppy syndrome?

Depending on the way he does this, it could be Swimmer Puppy syndrome or Hip Dysplasia.




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