Conrad13 avatar image


hi guys I have a question before I take Conrad to the vet. Last week I've noticed he started shedding A LOT!!! I figured it was normal for this time of year. Also yesterday I noticed these scabby looking things on his back and no where else it almost looks like dandruff when I brushed him a little area bled a little (I felt horrible!!!!!!) but he was fine. They are almost yellowish scabs. Also his ears are all of a sudden today hott and he's been a little itchy but can't reach so he rolls a lot. I don't know if it's allergies or something else. I gave him Benadryl yesterday and today and his ears arnt hott anymore but they are still a little red. Anyone have any ideas what this could be. He coat use to be beautiful!!! Now it's falling out .... Poor thing 

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

he might have a little infection going on...

probably best to have him looked at, they can give special shampoos to clear it up.  You can add a little coconut oil to his food, that helps with coat.  Just do it very slowly so his stools don't get loose.  You could probably do a teaspoon morning and night on his meals.  Try dabbing a little coconut oil on his scabs too for now, it's good for so many things.  

Conrad13's picture

Awsome thank you... I just

Awsome thank you... I just made an appointment with vet so we'll see what they say . I'll go out and get some coconut oil too 

Conrad13's picture


i took Conrad to the vet and they gave him a shot and said it was allergies. It should last about 3 weeks she said but I just don't understand why he's so dandruffy. I wish I asked when I was there but she was rushing to talk to me and I had my baby with me. He's still shedding pretty bad I hope it goes away soon!!! 

AmyandSophia's picture

2 things....

You can try giving a Salmon oil pill once daily in a meal. I buy the Norwegian Wild salmon, my dogs eat them right up. That will help with the dandruff. 

Second thing....find a vet who is knowledgeable about Bulldogs health, there is a list of vets by state on the home page, find one near you if you can and get a second opinion. A shot that lasts three weeks only controls the symptoms for 3 weeks, then what? You need to find out what's going on overall, or what the allergy is. If you aren't already doing so, get a good grain free feed. That will help as well. Check your environment, do you use any sprays, detergents, washes, etc that your dog lays on or plays with? Tide is a problem for lots of dogs, gives them the itches and skin issues. Same with some fabric softeners. 

Hope you find the root cause of your guys skin issue!


Amy and Sophia

Conrad13's picture


ill def. look into a vet I think the closest is Starkville which is like 2 hours away but I feed him a home cooked meal that consist of chicken eggs rice sometimes yogurt sometimes bacon fat and dinovite and lickochops supplements which I need to change because it makes his breath stink. I talked to the vet about the diet and she said it's great. The detergents I've been using for years now he's only a year that's not changed. Other than that I'll have to figure out what it is. We gave him a bath today and it seems to look better but his back has some spots that look like they are balding. He's not itching as much. Thank you for the response I appreciate it!!!