pregnany bullys nipples

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pregnany bullys nipples

I have a 4 yr old bully that is on day 53 of her pregnancy. I have noticied that her back 4 nipples are huge compared to the other ones. The back two are really big is this normal. They are also red and hot but they dont look shiny or like tissue paper, I am a little nervous . She also refuses to let me take her temp does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get her temp taken.

Re: An individual thing

thanks for the advice i will try the helper trick

omegabulldogs's picture

An individual thing

just like with women each bitch's nipples will be different from any other bitch--and every nipple on that bitch can also be different. Some can be a huge mouthfull and some can be so little that pup can hardly grasp it. size of the nipple has nothing to do with the quantity of milk the bitch produces. However The really big ones can be difficult for the newborns to take fully into their mouths--but by the time they are 2 weeks this will no longer be a problem. I don't know about the redness and heat you describe except that perhaps with the increased blood flow to the nipples you are seeing more color and feeling more warmth. Day 53 may be too early to express any fluid from the nipples and I wouldn't go about squeezing them anyway--you could possibly bruise them and make them sore. Some bitches will not produce a drop of colostrum until the pups are born--others may drip days ahead. If you are concerned you should have the vetcheck. As far as temp taking--a lot of bitchs are sensitive about having their rear ends messed with at this stage--as their rear ends can be sensitive. Vulvas are usually a little swollen at this stage. The best recommendation I can give is have a helper and a digital thermometer that responds really fast.

Miriam Olesen

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