Paws Bleeding

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Paws Bleeding

My husband and I just adopted a 4.5 years old english bulldog a few days ago. He is brown and white and he is 60 pounds. We discover small pink dots on our carpet every time we walk him. At first we thought it was coming from his gum because he got a cut from one of his toys 2 days ago. But the past two nights we found that his paws were all scratched from his daily walking and going up and down the stairs at our apartment. I want to know if there is something wrong with his paws (some of his paws are black and some are pink). I was told he might have allegies and that's why his paws were sensitive to the weather. I have put antiseptic to his paws everytime I finished walking him for the past two nights. Please help!!!

does pink mean weak pad?

my bullie is 5 months old and her paws are black and pink. some all black and some mixed.

they will toughen up

you can put superglue on the blood spots, make sure it is 100% dry before letting him walk around or he will be stuck.

Super glue is safe, no bacteria will live and it heals from the inside out. Same as the liquid bandaid but way less $$

ickytazz's picture

nothing wrong with pink pads

pink and black are normal, one has pigment ones doesnt.

some are also more white then pink


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