Emergency Situations..when you need to call a vet...

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Emergency Situations..when you need to call a vet...

JUST a general thread when a VET is required...emergency situations...
by Pat
I emailed ElaIne to see if she could start one of these threads but thought that I would just go ahead and start one this am.
she will reply with all her great info I gurantee that..

I think an emergency call to the vet office is such was the case with Bruce. no eating for two days and no bowel movements....I would take the bulldog or any dog for that matter right back in the vet

another thing is the dog is very legarthic. I had this happen to a pug here. she was deathly ill very fast with phenomina sp?. it came on soo suddenly and she did not have a temp. she lost her voice and I knew she was sick. she was very active to nothing. did not waste any time on that one either.

the hemotomoa although not a medical emergency I felt Bella had to be seen right away. did not want to take any chances on the ear being more swollen. she is better now and glad that I took her in when I did.

any thoughts or other you can think of??

put them on the general board since this will affect us likely at some time or another.

a high temp would prompt me to see a vet fast too.

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