Dry nose -- help!

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Dry nose -- help!

Hi, All...

Wondering if you can help us --

Bambino has an extremely dry nose... we've been trying vitamin E, but we don't seem to be getting the results that we'd like. We've been told that the dry flakes will just fall off (???) and the new shiny, wet nose will be revealed underneath, but how long does this take? How often should be we doing vitamin E? Any other suggestions? Bambino is very impatient when it comes to doing his face/nose, so we'd love to see great results, but we'd like to keep Bambino happy in the process, too.

Any help you are able to offer would be great -- thanks!


Re: Dry nose -- help!

We use vitamin e capsules. just pop the capsule and squeeze the vitamin e out and rub it on the nose.


I put a finger-full of vaseline to the top of my dogs nose every other day or so and it keeps it moist and he likes the taste of it too!

We use bag balm...

and noses get shiny and smooth after about three days of it. Use a warm washcloth to wipe off the old crusties.

Re: Dry nose -- help!

Our bulldog had the same thing. only it never went away. I asked the vet a week ago about this. He gave me KeraSolv gel. about $6.00. Has worked wonders. Her nose is so pretty now. thank god. Hope this helps. Jana

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