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Bulldogs With Children: A Good Mix?

When choosing a dog breed it’s important to consider every aspect of your life. Your new pup will be a part of your family. If that family includes children then you should want to know everything about how a breed is known to interact with them.

The Origin of the ‘Bad Bulldog’ Rumor

Due to their original breeding history, bulldogs have had to overcome a reputation as an aggressive breed. Bulldogs were originally bred to bait bulls, which requires courage and thick skin. It may even require a certain amount of aggression that develops with the relevant training of the task. However, this doesn’t say anything about how bulldogs were found to act when people started adopting them as family pets. This is when the true colors of the breed really began to show. Now, if you find any family with a bulldog, don’t be afraid to ask. You will likely hear that they are a wonderful, gentle, loving, and charming addition to the family and a great companion for the children.


As a family dog, bulldogs are loving and sociable, and have an incredible reputation for being great with children. They thrive in social environments and big families. Being strong-willed, the bulldog needs a family that can remain consistent when it comes to rule setting. Bulldogs are found to be naturally gentle with their pack, contrary to the former belief that they were naturally aggressive. As puppies they’re very playful and can be unintentionally rough and rowdy players if not carefully watched and taught to be gentle and contained. This is something they tend to grow out of. As they become adults, bulldogs tend to be laid back by nature.

The Guardian

Bulldogs are great watchdogs and are very loyal to everyone in their pack, including children. Like any dog, the bulldog needs to be trained to understand exactly how to be the type of protector your family needs. You don’t want the bulldog to be too protective of the children when you have houseguests over.  However, you do want it to be able to pick up on you feeling threatened and be able to ward off strangers who may try to enter the home and/or act inappropriately around your children. The bulldog is an amazing protector and watchdog that will help your children feel safe in their own home.

The Nurturing Side

With children, bulldogs are known to be gentle and patient. Like any dog, you want to introduce children to your bulldog gradually and with a watchful eye. While they have a tendency to be gentle and patient, no one should ever leave children alone with a dog unattended, for both puppies and children tend to not always understand the consequences of their actions and can make innocent mistakes that are costly and dangerous (like kids, in innocent play, hurtfully poking the dog with a stick and the dog defending itself.)

Having a bulldog for your children is a great choice. Remember that training plays a major role in the bond between every dog and its family, and shouldn’t be avoided just because the bulldog is so naturally loving. Be sure to teach your children to be as loving and gentle toward your new puppy as you want your puppy to be toward the children. This will ensure that your bulldog will respect and adore your children loyally, and protect them until the end.

Photo credit: schnaars/Flickr

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