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How to Properly Clean Wrinkles on a Bulldog

One of the biggest distinguishing characteristics of the Bulldog breed is their wrinkled skin. Your Bulldog’s wrinkles are part of what makes him unique but did you know that they could be harboring dangerous bacteria? As a Bulldog owner, it is your responsibility to provide for his health and wellbeing – that means cleaning his wrinkles.

Why Should You Clean Your Dog’s Wrinkles?

Your Bulldog’s wrinkled skin is what gives him that cute, concerned expression. What you may not realize, however, is that the folds of your Bulldog’s skin can harbor moisture which can create a breeding ground for bacteria. If you don’t keep your dog’s wrinkles clean and dry he could develop a condition called fold dermatitis – it could also lead to yeast infections. If left untreated, fold dermatitis can lead to hair loss, foul odor, and skin irritation. To prevent this from happening to your dog, you need to clean his skin folds as often as possible. Many Bulldog owners clean their dog’s face after eating and drinking – you do not necessarily need to go this far but you should clean your dog’s wrinkles at least once a week and check them every day to make sure they are clean and dry.

Tips and Home Remedies for Cleaning

When it comes to keeping your Bulldog’s wrinkles clean and free from bacteria, all you really have to do is wipe him down with a damp washcloth. To help remove food particles, saliva, and other buildup from the wrinkles in your dog’s face you can purchase and use baby wipes or you can soak a cloth in water mixed with a small amount of fragrance-free shampoo. If fold dermatitis is already a problem for your Bulldog, your veterinarian may recommend using a particular soap that has germicidal properties. If your Bulldog also has problems with tear staining on his face, make a homemade cleaner by mixing one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide with enough cornstarch to form a thick paste then apply it to the stain and let it dry before brushing away the excess powder.

No matter what you use to clean your dog’s skin folds, be sure to rinse the area well and dry it thoroughly with a soft cloth. After cleaning your Bulldog’s wrinkles, there are a few things you can do to further protect him against infections. Towel your dog’s skin dry, making sure to get the skin inside the folds, and then brush a little bit of cornstarch over his wrinkles to protect his skin. If your Bulldog has had an infection before, or if he is starting to develop one, you may want to start using a topical antimicrobial ointment after cleaning his folds. Just be sure to follow the instructions carefully to get the right dosage.

If you want to keep your Bulldog happy and healthy for as long as possible you need to do your duty as a dog owner and provide him with the care he needs. Wrinkle care is a simple but very important aspect of Bulldog ownership that should not be overlooked or neglected.

Photo credit: Jeff Hill/Flickr

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