watts1967 avatar image


Hi everybody! Mason is 5 years old and  was neutered at age 2. Although neutered, he still humps my pillows on the sofa. He will do this for about an hour, 3 times a day. He get's excited (if you know what I mean) and goes to town. Rest for 10 minutes, then starts again.He never mated with a female before he was neutered, and when a female dog comes into the house, he's on it!  Can someone please let me know what's going on.with him. 


Deb and MacKenzie and Ester's picture


For me personally humping is an unwanted behavior in my house and it is discouraged....at a young age....

Since he is 5 and has been allowed to continue this behavior then you have some bad habits to change. Can be done, but it will take great patience on your part.

I suggest you consult a behaviorist and get him into some training.

Cory's picture

having same problem.......

My little bully Penelope just turned a yr Dec 27th an from 7 1/2 months till now she's done it maybe 6 or 7 times, the thing I don't understand is she's female why is she doing it. this can't be normal for a female to do ??? she was always told to stop but every now an then you'd catch her trying too.


Cory & Penelope

Deb and MacKenzie and Ester's picture

She's normal

girls do it. I think it more has to do with excitement and some say dominance. You'll have to read behavior books to make your own judgement but it's not all about sex ;)

They are very likely to hump small children when playing, or people they don't know.

Just keep discouraging her when she does it with big voice NO, BAD, NO Humps, or others use No Disco. Pick some word to go with NO .... and be consistant.

If you have company put her on a leash and correct if she tries to hump someone. Teach her to sit stay or down stay an no jumping up.

Nothing worse then having a 50 lb dog latch onto your leg.

Cory's picture


makes me feel a little better knowing its normal.lol
I think she got the message not to do it any more...


Cory & Penelope