Duffy Having Hard Time Getting Up - Please Help

Duffy is 13 and his legs are sliding on him and he is having a hard time getting up. Front legs are sliding out and back legs have less power to thrust his body in the air. I am giving him Glacusomine Condrotine supplements. PetNaturals Hip & Joint Chewables.

Duffy never liked to walk much. I don't want to give him steroids that make him urinate uncontrollably.

I have taken him to get acupuncture and massage. That really didn't seem to help a lot.

I am thinking of taking him to some swim classes to get some exercise into the legs. (With attendant and flotation device, obviously).

I don't think I want to use an underbelly sling though so I am wondering if this is the end stage. I do plan to take him to vet to get actual diagnosis.

Am I missing a possible good treatment? A cure? (God that would be great!)

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

Our Oliver is having problems with a weak back...

his back legs sink lower and lower while he is standing due to spondylitis in his back.  Our vet put him on anti inflammatories and pain meds and he is doing a little better.  It's probably just a part of aging, it's hard to see them getting older and failing.  Your vet will probably do an xray of his back and hips to see what is going on.  I think he probably need stronger meds than over the counter joint meds.  Sending good wishes to your boy.

carmiesmommy's picture

a couple of suggestions

Is Duffy overweight? If so, try to slim him down a bit.Excess weight, especially at his age, can be more painful to get up and walk for your boy. By bringing him to pool for water therapy and exercise, I feel this will help tremendously. Also, if he is slipping, you can buy these rubber booties to prevent this. Wishing you the best!